
Original songs inspired by Kanyen'kéha /Kanien'kéha culture, traditions and language.

Released - December 2023

Nyawen'kó:wa - Thank you, I appreciate your support: 

My Family, Friends, Community and Fans. 

The Talented Musicians that played on the album “Resilience” – Kieran Edwards; David R. Maracle; Brittany Brant; Hugh Christopher Brown; Mike Pratt; Noah St. Amand; and Kory Dunn.

Matt Baetz of Longshot Records (Sound engineer and Co-producer).

Kathy and Dave Daw of Summit Sound Inc. for graphics and expertise.

The Ontario Arts Council - Conseil des arts de l'Ontario for a grant toward the production of this album. 

Emma Tsyothehtíson Brant-Edwards for the artwork to add to my photograph of a sunrise for the cover. 

Bobbi Morris - photographs of Kieran and I. 

Auntie Gladys's family for permission to share her picture and a bit of our family story.

I am full of gratitude for my talents and gifts Shonkwaya'tíson has given me. I hope to bring you happiness and enjoyment with my music and art. 

It's Wintertime Again